TAKE NOTICE that Council of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Jubilee Centre Council Chamber located on the 1st Floor at 9909 Franklin Avenue, Fort McMurray, Alberta, regarding the following matter:
Bylaw No. 23/003 – Land Use Bylaw No. 99/059 and Timberlea Area Structure Plan Bylaw No. 01/020 Amendments – 110 Prospect Drive, Lot 25, Block 20, Plan 152 4140 Steel Hollow Bar
Bylaw No. 23/003 proposes to redistrict 110 Prospect Drive, Lot 25, Block 20, Plan 152 4140 from R3 – Medium Density Residential District to C1 – Community Commercial District to accommodate neighbourhood-scale commercial development. The proposed development would include community-orientated retail and commercial services and would not include land uses that were previously of concern to residents, for example, a gas bar and liquor store. Administration supports the proposed amendments as they align with the Municipal Development Plan and Council’s Strategic Plan.
View a map of the subject area
A copy of all related documents may be inspected between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday by contacting:
- Planning and Development Department (309 Powder Drive, Timberlea Landing); or
- Legislative Services (7th Floor, Jubilee Centre, Fort McMurray)
- Viewing on the Municipality’s website at www.rmwb.ca/hearings.
Participating in the Public Hearing:
‐ You may register with Legislative Services prior to 12:00 noon, Monday, March 6, 2023 or prior to the start of the Public Hearing in the Council Chamber:
‐ Your registration must include your full name, organization name (if required), address, telephone number, email address and clearly indicate support or opposition to the bylaw.
- You must submit any written materials to the Chief Legislative Officer prior to 12:00 noon, Monday, March 6, 2023.
- Your submission must include your full name, organization name (if required), address, telephone number, email address and clearly indicate support or opposition to the bylaw.
- It is at Council’s discretion to accept submissions from those who have not submitted a request prior to the above noted timeline. Subject to Council’s consent to speak at the Public Hearing, anyone who wishes to also distribute written material at the time of their presentation should bring 15 copies of their material for distribution.
We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. If you require an accommodation to participate, please include the details in your request to participate. Advanced notice is required as some accommodations can take time to arrange.
Please note written submissions are considered public documents, any information, and materials you submit to Council for their consideration at the Public Hearing is added in its entirety to the agenda package, which is made available to the public and posted on the Municipality’s website. Verbal submissions will have a maximum of 5 minutes to address Council. All submissions to the Public Hearing must be received prior to, or during, the Public Hearing. Submissions cannot be made following the conclusion of the Public Hearing.
DATED at Fort McMurray, Alberta this 23rd day of February, 2023.
Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo
Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2K4
Email: Legislative.Assistants@rmwb.ca
Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo 9909 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray Alberta T9H 2K4
Phone: 780-743-7000 Toll free: 1-800-973-9663
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